Monday, September 14, 2009

flashbacks at vivo

hey guys i wanna share with yu wer we wen on last saturday,tat day was this best ,i feel all my flashbacks with my wife came true again as we wen vivo city to watch G-FORCE .the show was at 4.55 n we wen ther at 3.15 .we was like dunnoe wat 2do for so long then we wen to the park n we started to take pictures ,then the flashback came i wanted to tell her but i was shock ,happy as can't belive like it came again hahaha so the whole think juz stop me by not telling but later on wen i saw her blog tat she also had the same flashback i was like WTH! both of us have the same flashback n we didn't tell eachother hahaha but i'm still happy coz even both of us didn't tell ,still one day both of us gona noe! tats the power of our love n oh ya let me continued wat happen on tat day ,then we was taking photos n playing in the water n doing crazy things hahaha we had so much fun n yup after tat we watch the movie , the movie was so nice , my wify was like i wanna watch more movies n i was like as your wish my wife ,then we was like going home n we was still taking photos n yu can see some of my favorite photos above n i juz wish we will get rom soon n we will be happily forever ,love yu honey always love yu 4ever :) oh i like the kissing part hehehe : )

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