Friday, September 11, 2009

hmm 2DAE again i woke up late so so ,SORRY to my baby i wen ther at 12+ then say sorri n she disturb my wound i was k sorri ouch ouch hahah then we was in comp n i saw her blog she say she miss alot of movies n suffercuting at hm ,its all becoz of me ,sorri last sat i didn't bring coz yu should noe y : ( , tmr we watch your fav movie k n yu then we watch grown up n my wife ate mee ,yummy i wanted to eat then i was like nvm , take diet HEHEHE,but the mee was so nice as my wife feed me one spoon i likee : ) .then we wen to play badminton ,i realy want her to loose weight coz tats her birthday wish n i was like hitting abit hard n wen the shuttle cock fell down i was counting 1 to 5 to make her pick up coz its still exercise,i'm glad she's losing weigth then we wen to buy drink n we talk for awhile n we wen home, hmm yup then again we wen to comp then i leave hm n i leave at 7.50+ n reach hm at 9 ,dam can't tok to anyone coz muz save prepaid ,snoring here n ther ,ppl listening loud music ,looking at the same tink outside,DAMMM! tis tink are making me sick n tired wen its like the same tink everydae so hmm lets see if after my wife birthday got money to but tiss mp4 which is above or a new hp if can't then juz take it as my faith but always my first tink is to make my wife happy n buy 4 her ,her fav things n save money 4 me n my wife future then onli my fav tink all : ) n honey its not your fault n dun be sad always smile k love yu

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