Thursday, September 10, 2009


i wan everytink to be deleated from the past no pics,gift , nth which like if u see n will tink of tat person coz i dun wan yu to cry or tink abt it nth i always wan u to smile ,n i'm juz afraid, i noe its not your fault ,n the onli tink i ask is deleat them fully even if yu keep sumwer in website or wat ,i dun noe y wen ever i wanna see sumtink it keep on cuming n making my heart so afraid ,sad coz yup i'm selfish i dun wanna let go yu ,yu are my everytink, i juz love yu so much n i tink yu forgot to deleat as wen i seeing sumtink it cum across ,LETS START A NEW LIFE, YU N ME N NOTHING ABT PAST ALWAYS ONLI TINK OF FUTURE ,I'M PROUD TO HAVE A WIFE LIKE U : ) JUZ SAD N JEALOUS ABIT AS LIKE YU DID TAT 4 THEM BUT NOT 4 ME TATS ALL ,BUT HAHAHA STILL HAPPY TAT YU ARE MINE : ) LOVE YU ALWAYS

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